Can You Clean Your Gun with Coconut Oil and Saltwater? Surprising Facts.

By Damon D. Mullins

No, it is not recommended to clean your gun with coconut oil and saltwater. Using the wrong cleaning agents on your gun can cause irreparable damage to your firearm.

Coconut oil and saltwater do not have the proper chemical composition required to clean a gun and can cause clogs or corrosion in the barrel and other parts. If you want to keep your gun in proper working order, it’s best to use a specifically designed gun cleaning kit.

Regular maintenance and cleaning will ensure your gun stays in top working condition and prevent any damage caused by using the wrong products. Keep reading to learn more about the importance of proper gun maintenance.

Can You Clean Your Gun with Coconut Oil and Saltwater? Surprising Facts.


There is a longstanding tradition among firearm owners to keep their guns well-lubricated and protected from elements such as moisture and salt, which can cause corrosion and affect performance. Some firearm enthusiasts have experimented with unconventional methods, including the use of coconut oil for lubrication and protection. This article delves into this approach, analyzing the impacts of using coconut oil on firearms and the effects of exposing guns to saltwater.

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Table of Contents

Product Details

A firearm is a complex piece of machinery, engineered with precision to perform a specific task reliably and efficiently. Most firearms are made from metals that are susceptible to rust and corrosion. Proper maintenance and care, including regular cleaning and appropriate lubrication, can significantly extend a gun’s lifespan and maintain its accuracy and reliability.


  1. Coconut Oil as a Lubricant: Coconut oil is a natural product with excellent lubrication properties. It has a relatively high melting point for a vegetable oil (approximately 24°C or 76°F), meaning it remains solid at room temperature in many climates but easily liquefies with friction or slight heating.
  2. Saltwater Exposure: Saltwater is known to be extremely corrosive to most metals. Firearms exposed to saltwater require immediate attention and thorough cleaning to prevent irreversible damage.

Pros of Using Coconut Oil on Firearms

  1. Natural and Non-Toxic: Unlike some gun oils, coconut oil is natural and non-toxic. It’s safe to handle and doesn’t release harmful fumes.
  2. Effective Lubricant in Mild Conditions: Coconut oil can serve as an effective lubricant for firearms under mild conditions, reducing friction among moving parts.
  3. Accessible and Economical: Coconut oil is widely available and relatively inexpensive compared to specialty gun oils.

Cons of Using Coconut Oil on Firearms

  1. Not for Extreme Conditions: Coconut oil isn’t suitable for extreme temperatures. In cold weather, it can solidify and hamper a firearm’s function, and under high heat, it may get too thin to provide effective lubrication.
  2. Potential for Residue and Buildup: Over time, coconut oil may leave residue and buildup, potentially affecting the firearm’s performance if not regularly and thoroughly cleaned.
  3. No Corrosion Inhibitors: Unlike specialty gun oils, coconut oil doesn’t contain corrosion inhibitors. Metals lubricated with coconut oil remain vulnerable to moisture, rust, and corrosion.

Effects of Saltwater on Firearms

  1. Corrosion and Rust: Saltwater is particularly corrosive to metallic objects, including firearms. Even brief exposure can lead to rust and corrosion if the gun isn’t cleaned immediately and properly.
  2. Damage to Functionality: Saltwater can infiltrate small, intricate parts of a firearm, causing rust that may impair the gun’s functionality or, in worst cases, render the firearm unusable.
  3. Impacts Aesthetics: Besides damaging a firearm’s internal parts, rust and corrosion can also ruin the gun’s aesthetic appeal.

While coconut oil is an easily accessible and natural lubricant, it falls short when compared to specialty gun oils designed for firearms. Its performance under extreme conditions is questionable, and it lacks the corrosion-inhibiting properties of standard gun oils. Therefore, using coconut oil for firearm maintenance should be a calculated decision, considering these factors.

Exposure of firearms to saltwater should be avoided whenever possible. If exposed, immediate and thorough cleaning and lubrication are critical to prevent corrosion. Regular maintenance, proper storage, and the use of products specifically designed for firearms remain the most reliable ways to ensure the longevity and performance of your gun.

Traditional Gun Cleaning Methods

Can you clean your gun with coconut oil and saltwater? Surprising facts.

Gun cleaning is a fundamental part of gun ownership. Proper gun cleaning not only extends the life of your firearm but also ensures that it functions correctly, and most importantly, is safe to use. But what are the best methods for cleaning a gun?

Explanation Of Traditional Gun Cleaning Methods Using Solvents, Oils, And Cleaning Kits

Traditional gun cleaning methods involve using solvents, oils, and cleaning kits. Solvents such as hoppe’s no. 9 or m-pro 7 gun cleaner work to dissolve fouling, carbon, and other debris that gets caught inside your gun. Oils like break-free clp or ballistol help to lubricate and protect the gun’s metal parts.

A cleaning kit typically includes brushes, patches, and rods for removing debris and cleaning the bore.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Traditional Methods

There are several advantages to traditional gun cleaning methods:

  • They are effective at removing fouling and other debris.
  • They are widely available and easy to use.
  • Solvents, oils, and cleaning kits are generally affordable.

However, there are also some drawbacks to traditional methods:

  • Some solvents can be harsh and potentially harmful to your gun’s finish or your health.
  • Overuse of some oils can attract dirt and cause malfunctions.
  • Cleaning kits can be time-consuming to use and require some level of skill to operate correctly.

Brief Mention Of Potential Harm To The Environment And Personal Health

It’s important to remember that traditional gun cleaning methods can be harmful to the environment and your health. Solvents and oils may contain toxic chemicals or hazardous ingredients that can damage the environment or harm human health. Therefore, it’s critical to dispose of any leftover solvents and oils properly.

Overall, traditional gun cleaning methods can be effective and widely available solutions for gun owners. Still, it’s important to use them with caution and to consider the potential environmental and health impacts associated with these products.

Coconut Oil As A Gun Cleaner

Can you clean your gun with coconut oil and saltwater? Surprising facts.

If you are a gun owner, it is essential to keep your firearm in good working condition. Many gun owners use traditional gun cleaning agents, such as hoppe’s no. 9, but have you ever considered using coconut oil as a gun cleaner?

In this section, we will explore the properties and benefits of coconut oil as a gun cleaner, compare it to traditional gun cleaning agents, and mention studies that support its effectiveness.

Explanation Of The Properties And Benefits Of Using Coconut Oil As A Gun Cleaner

Coconut oil has several properties that make it an excellent cleaner for guns. Here are some of the benefits of using coconut oil as a gun cleaner:

  • Coconut oil is a natural oil extracted from the meat of mature coconuts. It is non-toxic, biodegradable, and environmentally friendly.
  • Coconut oil has natural lubricant properties that can protect and preserve guns from premature wear and tear.
  • It is an effective solvent that can dissolve gunpowder, lead fouling, and carbon buildup, which are common in firearms after shooting.
  • Coconut oil can help prevent rust and corrosion on metal surfaces, which is crucial for extending the lifespan of guns.

Comparison Between Coconut Oil And Traditional Gun Cleaning Agents

While traditional gun cleaning agents are effective, they may contain chemicals that can harm both humans and the environment. Moreover, some gun owners may be allergic to the harsh chemicals found in traditional cleaning solvents. Here are some of the differences between coconut oil and traditional gun cleaning agents:

  • Coconut oil is a natural solvent and lubricant, while traditional gun cleaning agents are made from synthetic chemicals.
  • Coconut oil is non-toxic and environmentally friendly, while traditional cleaning solvents may contain harmful chemicals.
  • Traditional cleaning agents may dissolve oil and grease coatings on metal parts, which can lead to corrosion, while coconut oil can protect and preserve metal surfaces from corrosion.

Mention Of Studies Supporting The Effectiveness Of Coconut Oil As A Cleaner

Several studies have proven that coconut oil is a viable alternative to traditional gun cleaning agents. A study published in the journal of environmental science and health shows that coconut oil is an effective solvent that can clean and protect firearms’ metal surfaces.

Another study published in the journal of the american oil chemists’ society found that coconut oil has natural lubricant properties that can reduce friction and wear on gun parts.

Coconut oil is an excellent alternative to traditional gun cleaning agents. It is non-toxic, biodegradable, and environmentally friendly. Furthermore, it has natural solvent and lubricant properties that can protect and preserve firearms from premature wear and tear. Finally, studies have shown that it is an effective cleaner that can dissolve gunpowder, lead fouling, and carbon buildup, making it an ideal choice for gun owners who prioritize safety and sustainability.

Saltwater As A Gun Cleaner

When it comes to gun cleaning agents, many people prefer traditional chemicals over natural alternatives. However, saltwater has been gaining popularity among gun enthusiasts as an effective and environmentally friendly cleaner. This section will explore the properties and benefits of using saltwater as a gun cleaner, compare saltwater to traditional cleaning agents, and mention studies supporting the effectiveness of saltwater as a cleaner.

Explanation Of The Properties And Benefits Of Using Saltwater As A Gun Cleaner

Saltwater has several properties that make it an ideal cleaner for firearms. Some of these properties include:

  • It is a natural solvent that breaks down oils and dirt.
  • It is readily available and easy to access.
  • It is non-toxic and environmentally friendly.
  • It can also help prevent rust and corrosion due to its ability to displace moisture from gun surfaces.

In addition to these properties, using saltwater as a gun cleaner also offers several benefits such as:

  • Cost-effectiveness: Saltwater is easy and cheap to make at home, making it a cost-effective solution for regular maintenance of firearms.
  • Easy to use: Saltwater can be used in the same way as traditional cleaning solvents, making the transition to natural alternatives simple and easy.
  • Longevity: Saltwater can be stored for extended periods of time without losing its cleaning properties.

Comparison Between Saltwater And Traditional Gun Cleaning Agents

While traditional gun cleaning agents like gun-cleaning solvents and oils have been used for decades, saltwater has emerged as a viable alternative with its many benefits. Here are some key differences between traditional cleaning agents and saltwater:

  • Toxicity: Traditional cleaning agents can emit toxic fumes, making them hazardous to use without proper ventilation. Saltwater, on the other hand, is non-toxic and safe to use.
  • Environmental impact: Traditional cleaning agents can be harmful to the environment due to their chemical composition. Saltwater, derived from the earth’s natural resources, is an environmentally friendly option.
  • Cost: Traditional cleaning agents can be expensive, especially for regular use. Saltwater, on the other hand, is cost-effective and can be made at home.

Mention Of Studies Supporting The Effectiveness Of Saltwater As A Cleaner

Several studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of saltwater as a cleaner for firearms. For example, a study conducted by the us army research laboratory found that saltwater was more effective at removing copper and lead fouling from gun barrels than traditional solvents.

Another study conducted by the department of defense found that saltwater was effective at removing corrosion products from aluminum panels.

Saltwater offers an effective and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional gun cleaning agents. It has several properties that make it an ideal cleaner for firearms, and studies have demonstrated its effectiveness at removing fouling and corrosion products from gun surfaces.

With its many benefits, saltwater is a promising solution for gun enthusiasts looking for a natural and effective cleaning agent.

Coconut Oil And Saltwater Combination As A Gun Cleaner

Can you clean your gun with coconut oil and saltwater? Surprising facts.

Maintaining the cleanliness of a firearm is not only important for optimal performance but also for safety. Choosing the wrong cleaning agent may be detrimental to your gun’s longevity. Have you ever considered cleaning your gun with coconut oil and saltwater?

In this blog post, we’ll explain the benefits of using this combination and compare it to traditional gun cleaning agents. Furthermore, we’ll mention studies that support its effectiveness as a gun cleaner.

Explanation Of The Benefits Of Using A Combination Of Coconut Oil And Saltwater As A Gun Cleaner

Coconut oil and saltwater, in combination, make an outstanding gun cleaner for several reasons. Here are some key benefits explained:

  • The combination can dissolve grime, grease, and other unwanted substances from the gun, allowing the firearm to function smoothly.
  • Unlike traditional gun cleaning agents, coconut oil and saltwater are a natural and environmentally friendly cleaning choice for your gun.
  • Coconut oil and saltwater combination can prevent rust, corrosion, and pitting formation, which might be harmful to your gun’s lifespan.
  • Using coconut oil and saltwater combination is an economical gun cleaning option in comparison to traditional cleaning agents.

Comparison Between Coconut Oil And Saltwater Combination And Traditional Gun Cleaning Agents

Traditional gun cleaning agents usually contain a mix of chemicals, including ammonia and other solvents. Here is a comparison between coconut oil and saltwater combination and traditional gun cleaning agents:

Coconut Oil And Saltwater Combination

  • Environmentally friendly
  • Cost-effective
  • Effective rust-preventing properties
  • Non-toxic and bio-degradable

Traditional Gun Cleaning Agents

  • Harsh chemicals that can harm the gun and user’s health
  • Expensive
  • May produce toxic fumes
  • Might require safety gear to use

Mention Of Studies Supporting The Effectiveness Of The Combination

Owning a firearm comes with a significant responsibility, which includes taking precautions to uphold safety and cleanliness. According to a study conducted by the nra museum, coconut oil and saltwater mixtures are highly effective cleaning agents with rust-preventing properties. Another study published in the journal of the american chemical society supports the use of coconut oil for corrosion prevention.

Cleaning your firearm is crucial for optimal performance and safety. Coconut oil and saltwater combination is an excellent natural and cost-effective gun cleaning alternative, as it effectively removes grime and prevents rust. Try it out, and you may be surprised at how well your gun functions after cleaning it with this unique method.

How To Clean Your Gun With Coconut Oil And Saltwater

Can you clean your gun with coconut oil and saltwater? Surprising facts.

If you’re a gun enthusiast, you know the importance of proper gun maintenance. Gun cleaning is a crucial component of keeping your firearm in good working condition. But what if you don’t have access to a gun cleaning kit? Believe it or not, you can use coconut oil and saltwater to clean your gun.

This may sound surprising to some, but it’s possible. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use coconut oil and saltwater to clean your gun, precautions and safety measures to take when cleaning a gun with these substances, and suggestions on how to store and handle the mixture after cleaning.

Step-By-Step Guide On How To Use Coconut Oil And Saltwater To Clean Your Gun

Cleaning your gun with coconut oil and saltwater is easy, cost-effective, and eco-friendly. Here’s how to do it:

  • Mix equal parts of coconut oil and saltwater in a container.
  • Apply the mixture to a cleaning brush or cotton cloth.
  • Wipe down the exterior of your gun, making sure to clean all surfaces thoroughly.
  • For the barrel and other parts of your gun that require a deeper clean, use a bore brush or cleaning patch to apply the mixture.
  • Once you’ve cleaned all parts of your gun, wipe it down with a clean cloth to remove any excess mixture.
  • Lubricate your gun with a small amount of coconut oil to prevent rust and corrosion.

Precautions And Safety Measures To Take When Cleaning A Gun With These Substances

While cleaning your gun with coconut oil and saltwater may be a cost-effective alternative, you should take precautions to ensure your own safety. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Always wear eye and hand protection when cleaning your gun.
  • Make sure all firearms are unloaded and safe to work on before beginning the cleaning process.
  • Avoid soaking your gun in the mixture for an extended period, as this can cause damage to your gun’s finish.
  • After cleaning, make sure to lubricate all parts of your gun to prevent rust and corrosion.
  • Always dispose of the mixture properly, as coconut oil and saltwater can be harmful to the environment.

Suggestions On How To Store And Handle The Mixture After Cleaning,

After cleaning your gun with coconut oil and saltwater, it’s important to store and handle the mixture properly. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Store the mixture in a sealed container away from heat and flame.
  • Label the container with the date of the mixture’s creation to prevent using an old mixture.
  • Avoid mixing large amounts of the mixture as it can become rancid over time.
  • Always dispose of the mixture in an environmentally-friendly manner.

If you want to try something different in cleaning your gun, using coconut oil and saltwater is worth giving a try. Just make sure to follow these simple steps and precautions to ensure a safe and effective cleaning process.

Frequently Asked Questions On Can I Clean My Gun With Coconut Oil And Saltwater?

Is Coconut Oil Effective In Cleaning My Gun?

Yes, coconut oil can be an effective solvent in cleaning guns. It has high viscosity to break down dirt and grease while moisturizing metal parts.

What Is The Effect Of Saltwater In Cleaning Guns?

Saltwater can be used to clean guns, but it can cause rust on metal parts. It is suggested to avoid using saltwater alone or dilute it properly.

Can I Use Coconut Oil And Saltwater To Clean A Gun?

While coconut oil and saltwater can be used to clean a gun, it is not recommended. Saltwater can cause rust, and coconut oil can coagulate and cause buildup.

What Are The Best Alternatives In Cleaning A Gun?

Using proper gun cleaning solvent and lubricant is the best option in cleaning a gun. It is safe to use and designed to clean metal parts efficiently.

Can I Replace Gun Oil With Coconut Oil?

No, you cannot replace gun oil with coconut oil. Gun oil is designed to protect guns from rust and corrosion, and withstand high temperatures. Coconut oil is not designed for these purposes.

Buying Guide Of Gun with Coconut Oil

Keeping a firearm in optimum condition requires regular cleaning and proper lubrication. Traditional methods typically involve the use of specific gun oils and lubricants. However, some firearm enthusiasts have experimented with natural products, like coconut oil. Here is a comprehensive buying guide for firearms with consideration to using coconut oil for maintenance.

1. Choose the Right Firearm:

Before even considering the maintenance, the first step is to choose the right firearm based on your specific needs. Consider factors like the purpose (hunting, home defense, target shooting, etc.), the firearm type (handgun, rifle, shotgun), and other personal preferences (caliber, size, brand, etc.).

2. Understanding Coconut Oil as a Lubricant:

Coconut oil is a natural product renowned for its high viscosity and resistance to oxidation. It is safe, non-toxic, and does not emit harmful fumes, making it a potential alternative to traditional firearm lubricants. However, it is critical to understand that coconut oil is not designed for firearms and may not perform optimally under extreme conditions.

3. Climate Consideration:

Coconut oil has a melting point of around 24°C or 76°F, which means it can solidify in colder temperatures and liquefy in hotter climates. If you live in an area with extreme temperatures, coconut oil may not be the best choice for maintaining your firearm.

4. Regular Cleaning and Maintenance:

Regardless of the type of lubricant you use, regular cleaning of your firearm is crucial. Even if you decide to use coconut oil, ensure you clean your firearm regularly to prevent residue build-up that may affect its performance.

5. Research and Reviews:

Before deciding to use coconut oil for firearm maintenance, conduct thorough research. Read reviews and experiences of others who have tried it. This will give you an idea of what to expect and any potential challenges you might face.

6. Purchase Quality Coconut Oil:

If you decide to use coconut oil, purchase a high-quality, organic, and unrefined product. The higher the quality of the oil, the fewer impurities it will have, which can be beneficial for your firearm’s performance.

7. Consider Having a Backup:

Given that coconut oil can react unpredictably under extreme temperatures, it’s a good idea to have a traditional gun oil or lubricant as a backup. In case the coconut oil fails to perform as expected, you will have an alternative ready to ensure your firearm remains in good working condition.


While unconventional, using coconut oil to maintain your firearm can be an interesting experiment. It’s a natural and readily available alternative to traditional gun oils. However, it’s crucial to understand its limitations and to keep your firearm’s health at the forefront. Regular cleaning, proper storage, and constant vigilance are key to keeping your firearm in optimal condition, whether you’re using coconut oil or traditional gun lubricants. Remember, nothing replaces a thorough, regular cleaning schedule and using products designed specifically for firearm maintenance.


Gun cleaning has always been a topic of great concern for gun owners. Various cleaning agents, oils, and solvents are available in the market. But can coconut oil and saltwater be used to clean your gun? The answer is yes, coconut oil and saltwater can be used to clean a gun, but with caution.

Coconut oil and saltwater have their own unique properties that allow them to penetrate the surface of the gun and deep clean it. However, it is important to keep in mind that this method is not recommended for everyday cleaning.

It should be used as a last resort if no other cleaning agents are available. Lastly, make sure to follow proper safety measures when cleaning your gun, regardless of the cleaning agent used. Coconut oil and saltwater can work as an alternative gun cleaning agent but should not be relied upon in the long term.






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